Traumatic Penile Amputation by a Jealous Spouse: A Case Report

Author Details

Yonli Diataga Sylvestre, Jalloh Mohamed, et al.

Journal Details


Published: 8 June 2021 | Article Type :


Introduction: Traumatic penile amputation is a rare urological emergency. Many causes have been described but the phallic mutilation involving the patient’s wife remains an incomprehensible situation. We herein report penile amputation committed by a jealous spouse.

Case Presentation: A forty year old man without previous medical history was admitted for traumatic penile amputation. His phallus had been cut off by his wife with a kitchen knife. Given the failure of penile replantation, he underwent urethrostomy. Postoperative course was normal.

Conclusion: Penile amputation may lead to functional and psychological consequences for life. Microvascular procedure allows to reducing functional damages. In addition to surgical treatment, psychologic support is recommended.

Keywords: Penile, amputation, replantation, urethrostomy,criminal assault.

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How to Cite


Yonli Diataga Sylvestre, Jalloh Mohamed, et al.. (2021-06-08). "Traumatic Penile Amputation by a Jealous Spouse: A Case Report." *Volume 4*, 1, 18-21